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Your Disposition To (At) Work

It's a great pleasure being here with you and I thank God for keeping us all. I believe you are doing very well and anticipating this year's conference with so much expectation. And I know that our expectations would not be cut short in Jesus Name. Amen.

What I would like to talk about today might seem a little 'harsh' however I would like you to take it with love. Why am I 'watering' your heart so much? Simple, I do not want it to be misconstrued whatsoever, so, let's get to it ;)

Work is something that applies to all although, it could mean different things to different people. For instance, work could be being a student, a mother, a teacher, a doctor, an accountant, an engineer, and so on. The bible has made it clear however, that in ALL that we do, we should do it to the glory of God. This should be our drive.

Often times we go through life forgetting that our work is God's business. It's our ministry and parish where we ought to reflect the glory of God. Of which, we pray for God to bless the work of our hands - our work is a major channel through which God blesses us (and others). So, we need to pay attention to it, whether as an employee or employer.
I have observed a recent shift where everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, I would say do not despise your current work because it's a means in God's plan to bring you to a glorious end.
That being said, what is your disposition as an employee or entrepreneur? complainer? murmurer? competitive? encouraging? prideful? respectful? empathetic? Does your behaviour at this work of yours attract people to follow you to serve your God? If you have to 'convince' people of your salvation at work, then you need to do a check.
Your fruits and principles at work should speak louder than words. We have no reason to be sloppy at work. Unfortunately, I've heard employers say they would rather employ a diligent person with no religion rather than a religious person who's lackadaisical.
Paul charges us as follows:
"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free. And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him." (Ephesians 6:5-9)

You have been called forth as a city on a hill, does your attitude at work say so? How is your relationship with colleagues like? A peace maker or a trouble maker? I've heard things like 'this is work, so please leave church out of this...' Christ cannot be left out of work, because we have all been charged with the great commission and handed different pulpit. What are you doing with your work pulpit?

Show care to others, be respectful, be understanding, show empathy, be punctual, make peace with all men, deliver your tasks with so much excellence, be creative, be open to corrections, let the fruits of the spirit be seen in you. Let your disposition to work be with all sense of responsibility. Take Joseph for example, he was so well behaved at work that Potiphar took note of him and acknowledged that God was with him. That should be said of us also, for the least in the kingdom is greater than John the Baptist.

I admonish you to do a check on your disposition to(at) work and ask the holy Spirit to help you at all times to be a torch bearer indeed.

Loads of love,

Your Sis 


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