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No More Tricks!

Hey Sisters,

Happy New Week and welcome to the week of His Death and Resurrection. Halleluyah! We are who we are because He arose and lives Forever.
What is that incapability of yours? Nail it unto the cross with Him. whatever the weakness is- lying, fornication, sexual immoralities and addictions, anger, whatever, name it, He is asking you to lay it at the cross.

He knows them, Yes, He knows you're battling with them, but you need to surrender them and mean it. He needs you to stop thinking you can stop them on your own. He needs you to stop feeling condemned, because His death brought you Righteousness and now, we are His righteousness.

We are clean and purged and presented as though we are blameless, because we are, in Him.

There is a trick of the devil many have fallen prey to- we withdraw from God when we transgress. That is one way the devil has held many captive. Truth is, we can never enjoy help when we are afar, we need to move closer to Him.

Yes, it's good to feel remorse when we err, in fact, we shouldn't rejoice/relish in iniquities nor keep returning to them, but we should not allow ourselves dwell on the guilt, such that we cut off communications with Him.

No. That is the trick of the devil.

So, perhaps you have erred at a particular point in time, and still feeling really terrible and afar off, this is the time to come closer to Him and exchange your weakness(es) for His righteousness. Embrace His Love and move closer. Help can't reach you where you are right now. He is searching for you and calling you back home.

Heard the lyrics of the song, "RECKLESS LOVE"?
"Oh the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless of God
Oh it chases me down, fights till I'm found, leaves the ninety-nine
I couldn't earn it
I don't deserve it,
Still you give Yourself away"
Your soul right now is worth more than the 'ninety-nine' out there. Return to Him, today.

Much Love, 
Your Sis


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