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Your Spouse's Business is Your Business

Hello Beautiful,

Happy New month!

I believe that you had an amazing April particularly the celebration of everything Jesus did by His death, burial, resurrection and ascension. It's the whole essence of the Christian journey. May we remain in Faith till the appearance of our Lord, Amen.

Today, I'll be sharing from Genesis 3:

I have studied this passage time and time again but this is the first time I am seeing that Adam was with Eve when the serpent was talking with her.The New Living Translation of Genesis 3:6 records that:
"The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.

This struck me because it implied that it is possible for someone to be around but not present. Being around is being physically/bodily in a place while being present means being physically and mentally in a place, that is, you know what is going on around you.

For the first time, it occurred to me that Adam was around but he was absent minded while his wife went about her business (conversing with the serpent). This explains his excuse to God in verse 12 “...It was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit, and I ate it.”
Certainly his 'ignorance' did not exempt him for the consequences.
Please understand that I am not clamouring for you to be nosy in your partner's business what I am advocating is, for you to be geniunely concerned and intentionally involved with our spouse's activities. Ask questions when you do not seem to understand something, know who they listen to, those who speak into their lives because the truth is: every conversation is a seed. It might not yield fruits immediately but surely it would spring forth in the future. The serpent conversed with Eve to the point of conviction! 🤔 The bible describes it has "she was convinced" that explains why she didn't need to lecture her husband, she presented him the fruit (of her conviction). Your spouse's conviction determines the kind of fruit you'll bear.

How do I become more present in my spouse's life?

1. Be genuine: No one is keeping scores, you both are one and the same so do away with having any ulterior motive or competitive spirit.

2. Ask questions: I make efforts to ask my husband life long questions that we had previously discussed during courtship. This is for me to keep abreast of any changes in his thought pattern or values, recent likes/dislikes, new discoveries/belief system. Leave instagram from time to time and engage your spouse in real conversations! Some weekends I go off social media.

3. Be Deliberate: I have observed sometimes that my husband and I would be in the same space but we would be on our phones. Those moments, I drop whatever it is I might be doing on my phone and start a conversation.

4.Be Polite: You don't want to come off as rude or disrespectful so watch your tone when seeking clarity on any issue from your spouse.

5. Ask the Holy Spirit: He teaches us all things and reveals things to come. An example that comes to mind is this: few weeks ago I began to feel the need to pray for my husband in some areas like his mind, his faith and so on. One book came to mind: The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian, after work that day I walked up to my shelf, picked the book and used it as a prayer guide for the week.

Let me know in the comments section if you'll like to add a thing or two 😁

I wish you a grace-full May 😘

Loads of love,

Your Sis


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