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Walking In Purpose

Hello Sisters,

One of the most talked about yet complex issue ever is the subject of P.U.R.P.O.S.E
There are series of questions in this area: from how do I know my purpose? to am I called in only an area? is purpose a thing for a selected few? and the list goes on and on.
I am here to announce to you that there's purpose in where you are and that you are here on purpose and there is a calling that only you can answer (fulfill) the best.
Ever wondered why some acclaimed 'successful ' people commit suicide? They simply lacked fulfilment, their riches/fame notwithstanding.
Walking in purpose is the only thing that gives utmost fulfilment and contentment. Walking in purpose requires walking with God in total surrender. We saying "do with me what you want". Handling every detail of our lives to Him.

How often should we work in purpose? Daily. We are to yield every moment to Him for His glory.

How do I walk in purpose? Rely on the holy Spirit. I find myself asking the holy Spirit to write through me (even on social networks), let my words be the one to encourage someone (even in regular chit-chats)...each time I do this there's this sense of 'God is pleased with me'. Remember, For it is God who works in us to will and to act on behalf of His good pleasure - Philippians 2:13

Am I called to only one area of purpose?
When God breathe into man , he gave man the ability to walk in multi-dimensions. To some God is Jehovah Ralpha, to some he is the provider, to some he is a rock, to some he is Warrior. See , God is multi-dimensional, so are we. However, we need to acknowledge it before we can operate in it.
Here is what I mean:
Purpose is the reason behind the existence of a thing. Why are you created? Why are you born into XY family? Why are you working in that institution (asides money ofcourse)? Why did God entrust you with such and such talent?
1. As daughter of God - to worship
2. As a woman of God kind - Your ministry
3.Wife - Help meet
4. Mother - Godly parenting
5. Colleague /business owners : we are admonished to encourage one another, be a blessing to others (your product or service can be a blesding) and display the Excellency of our King
You must come to the knowledge of these things to begin to walk in them.
What you don't know exist, you cannot walk in. Hence, why it is important we seek answers to why God has placed us on earth.
If you are not hearing God has a man hears is friend yet, the bible is your greatest revelation of what your purpose is. The more we dwell in the Word the more we get aware of what is expected of us by God.
In the end, purpose is not far fetched, it is us living our lives daily as God as commanded us to in various capacities. Purpose is not abstract. It is real and actual.

Loads of love

Your Sis


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