Hello Sis! I hope you're having a great week. The Holy spirit dropped this in my heart to encourage you with: On Friday, my husband observed something like a skin overlap around my first son's gum. He drew my attention to it and after checking it, to say I was concerned was the least. I tried to remove my mind from it, occupied myself with other things. Then I decided we would visit the dentist on Saturday. Suddenly, I was reminded of one of the lines from the supernatural childbirth confession that "teeth forms perfectly". I reassured myself that whatever it was, it is settled because a word had gone way ahead in 2016/2017 when I was pregnant with him. With this, I was able to shake off every concern I had even though we still went to the dentist's. After seeing the dentist on Saturday, he confirmed it was not abnormal and the skin overlap would fall off say in weeks however, its likely to be painful. Fast forward to Sunday, I checked and I could...