Hello Sisters,
It's so good to write to you, again.
You know, in this world, we daily seek to let our voices be heard, yet struggle to see that become our reality. In a world so noisy, yelling for recognition surely would be an exercise in futility.
Yet, God in His Word says, “… I will give you a good name, a name of distinction, among all the nations of the earth, as I restore your fortunes before their very eyes…”- Zephaniah 3:20. The question then is, “Lord, H O W?”
Isn’t it interesting that God never wants us to concern
ourselves with how He will do things
but to trust that if He says it, He surely will do it (Titus 1:2)? So then, if
He said it and will do it, what part do we have to play? Now, this is where
this post comes in.
As we earlier stated, we live in a largely noisy world – so,
screaming louder would only make you a more participative part of the crowd. To
stand out, we must be gentle and quiet in spirit (1 Peter
This does not in any way mean that you live
carelessly but rather, the opposite. This means that we live in, with and from
a place of love. When it’s difficult, we love. When we would rather not, we
love. When we seem to grow tired and weary of constantly giving, we love. The power
of love is one of self-control; subjecting our flesh to live out the yearning
of our spirit. Living and leading with a gentle and quiet spirit does not
solely mean being quiet in a noisy
room but being quietly loving in a
noisy and self-glorifying world. This is the only way in which others will perceive
the love of Christ, open their eyes to His truth, and surrender in totality to
Him. This life of impact is what will in turn lead to that name of distinction that
He has clearly promised.
So, today, no matter what may be going on around you and no matter who seems to push your buttons so sharply, choose to live in love. Choose to lead in love. Choose to walk in love. Choose to grow in love.
This is our access to that good name, that name of distinction, among all the nations of the earth.
Love always,
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