Dear Sisters,
I want you to know that writing to you each time on this platform for me is always a privilege that I do not take for granted. I acknowledge that the grace of God is mighty in our midst, and each time the Word of God is shared; the breath of the Almighty is present. Welcome to the month of November, it shall be your best month yet. Your testimonies this month shall surpass all that you have experienced from January to October.
Today's discussion isn't something that is unfamiliar. I consider it one of the cliched subject matter.
However, I pray that as you read, you will be blessed.
Recently, on a Saturday, I took my second son for immunization, and while on our way, I felt we were running a bit behind the scheduled time for vaccination at the hospital. I wasn't the one driving, but I was driving. What I mean is that I was thinking of how fast the diver could have moved, how he could have avoided a port-whole for us to save time. I did this so much that I neglected that bonding time I could have been having with my son. Halfway into the trip, the Holy Spirit, drew my attention to what I was doing - worrying in motion.
I was moving, yet I was worrying so I rubbed myself off enjoying the moment with my son. As I opened my bible app to read, the verse for the day was from Matthew 6:27 "Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? "
If anything, worrying didn't get us to our destination faster; if anything, it got me feeling inefficient with a lot of "I could have done this, I could have done that better".
Worrying is a vice of the enemy and we cannot afford to be ignorant. The target is to get you to lose sight of the blessing in your current season and strip you of your gratitude garment, that is, "de-harm" you of your faith. I mean, it was weekend. Just me and my little one, that was a perfect bonding time opportunity.
That is why I agree that as followers of Christ, we must deliberate about seeing things through the eyes of His word. One of the life-changing quotes I heard early in life was by Joyce Meyer. She said "worrying is like seating in a rolling chair, it gets you busy but gets you nowhere.
Yes, the year is drawing to a close, and many goals seem unchecked. However, you forgot that sometime in January/March/July, you received help from God. And with that help, you were able to make progress. Unfortunately, because you are busy worrying, you have forgotten those miracles.
Remember, what seems ordinary to you today was at some point, a prayer point to you and is still a prayer point to some. Don't because of where you want to be, lose sight of where God is taking you and where you are. Rest in Him and enjoy the blessing embedded in your current season.
Loads of Love,
Your Sis
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