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This Prayer Thing!

Hello Dearest,

I trust that you are doing well. It is with great pleasure that I share this message with you, which I believe, is the Word for the season.

From the title, I am sure you already have an idea into what I will be sharing today and I trust God to simplify this to you beyond the letters here.

At the beginning of the this month, September, God began to emphasise this to me through diverse platforms. From my book for the month - Fervent by Priscilla Shirer to the Word for the month in Church to the last two episodes of "My Jesus Experience" I watched on "MyLightHouse Tv" channel on YouTube to a WhatsApp group bible study, it has all been centred on "Prayer".

"Prayer is a difference maker. An invitation for honesty, yes, for telling him how you feel - infused with the assurance and fearless confidence that comes from God's promises." - Priscilla Shirer 

Remember the bible says to us that "men always ought to pray and not faint" - Luke 18:1. This to me says one thing, Prayer is a journey not a destination. We can never finish praying. If we can finish praying, then it means we can "finish" communicating with God, which can never be. Do we ever stop communicating with our earthly parents? No! There is always something a child wants to share with his/her parents no matter how often they had earlier spoken. Same is prayer, it is a journey not a destination. That is why Apostle Paul in 1Thessalolian 5:17 says "never stop praying".

Praying is a weapon tool and a means of communication. You wield this weapon when you pray in the Spirit by the Word. Again, Apostle Paul admonishes us to pray in the spirit at all times (Ephesians 6:18) because we do not know what we ought to pray for as we ought to (Romans 8:26-27).

If prayer is continous then, it should be "carried along" with us all through the day. You know how we carry our phones with us ready to reach people via calls and messages through-out the day, is the same way we should carry God's written word with us always, to use for communicating with God.

For example, Prayer can be like this: you see the weather and say "The heavens declare his glory and the firmament declare his handiwork (Psalm 19:21)...thank you Jesus for this glorious day" . That is you, praying - communicating.

Find the relevant scripture to what you are doing per time and pray with it. 

The thing about prayer though is that, the word of God must dwell richly in you. That is what makes tremendous power available (James 5:17)

The place of prayer is also our secret place. We get revelations about things to come. On one of the recent YouTube Videos I watched, the guest - Mrs Ajibike Lawson said, "it is good to pray before you pray". When things are good, pray. When they are not so good too, pray. It is what controls the spiritual that births what we see in the physical.

There is no prayer that is not heard by God for whosoever keeps asking shall receive (Matthew 7:7). There are different parables in the bible that emphasises the need for consistency in prayer. For example, Luke11: 5-13, the friend who begged for loaves of bread was described as "shamelessly persistent". Remember Elijah, he continued praying for rain until he saw what he wanted. 

I admonish you not to give up on prayer too soon, keep at it, stay there, see it as an expression of love not a chore, if takes you writing your prayers, by all means do so. There is no best place, best posture or time to pray because our God is Omnipresent and Omniscient.

Stay Encouraged Sis

Loads of love,

Your Sis


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