Hello Sisters,
As always it's a great privilege for me connecting with you on here and even greater joy that we are in the courts of our God, flourishing.
I trust that you are doing well. My prayer for you and I is that we would experience the best of God this season.
The first time I came across this phrase in the book of Micah I thought to myself, "which one is humbly trusting God agin? Can one trust with pride?" I mean trust is trust, why and what does it mean to be humble in this trust journey.
"No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8 NLT
I began to realise that more often than not, we claim to trust God with the intention to still have things done (turn out) our way. We still want to have control and this is where pride comes in subtly.
We have this illusion of control in our head while 'proclaming' our trust in Him. Now I hope you see where I'm coming from. This is a journey I am on myself.
To trust God humbly is to willingly relinquish (let go of all) who we are and want.
A song comes to mind right now:
"Jesus, all for Jesus...
All we are and have and ever hope to be....
All of my ambitions, hopes and dreams....
I surrender these into your hands."
We hide behind the finger of trusting God yet when things do not go our way we are 'angry' at Him forgetting that all things work together for our good because we love Him. This simply tells us we did not trust Him with all sense of humility in the first place.
Humbly Trusting God is a place of total and absolute surrender. We are required to give ALL. “And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases him, and love him and serve him with all your heart and soul." -Deuteronomy 10:12 NLT
To trust Him humbly we must constantly remind ourselves that we are not are own. He is the porter, we are the clay and the clay has no say when in the hands of the porter all it does is conform.
I pray for the grace to trust Him humbly for us all.
Loads of love,
Your Sis
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